My mother-in-law showed up and I had just laid down with our 8-month

This mom found herself in the difficult position of asking her mother-in-law to leave because she was trying to wake her up. While some people manage to get along well with their mothers-in-law, this mom was unable to do so due to this unfortunate situation. She explained what has happened. My husband has a habit of never telling me when he is expecting guests and to be blunt, I’m tired of it. We have an 8-month-old, and there has been at least 15 occasions now where he has invited his mother or sister over and just not told me. They both live 3 hours away.Well,

my MIL showed up here on Saturday and I had just laid down with our daughter to take a nap maybe 20 minutes prior. Like, I literally just fell asleep when my MIL and husband walk in to the bedroom. I wake up to my husband pulling my shirt back in to a decent position and him saying, “Hey, mum’s here to see us.”I say, “Well, I just got the baby down for a nap, so we aren’t available.” He kind of whispers to me and says, “Babe, she just traveled 3 hours to see us. You can take a nap after she leaves.” I have had the same repeated conversation with this man about my thoughts on guests when I have not been informed beforehand and due to this, I got incredibly pissed off and told him to get out of the room, now.Well,