My DIL Threw Away the Birthday Cake I Made for My Granddaughter — My Son’s Reaction Shocked Me Even More

I poured my heart and soul into making the perfect birthday cake for my granddaughter. But when my daughter-in-law threw it away, it wasn’t just the cake that crumbled. I was crushed. And what my son did after that? God, I wasn’t prepared for it.The scent of vanilla and sugar wafted through my kitchen, bringing back a flood of memories. I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. For a moment, this 59-year-old Betty was transported back to her childhood, standing on tiptoes next to her grandmother as she crafted culinary magic…”Nana, can I lick the spoon?” I’d ask my grandma..

“Of course, my little Betty,” she’d reply with a wink. “A good baker always tastes her creations.” Returning from my nostalgic trip to the past, I opened my eyes, smiling at the perfectly frosted cake before me. A cute pink creamy unicorn lay proudly atop the confection, ready to celebrate my granddaughter Vicki’s special day.”Oh, Vicki’s going to love this,” I whispered to myself, carefully lifting the cake to place it in a carrier. Just then, my phone buzzed. It was a text from my son, James. “Mom, Emily’s on her way over to help set up.